MR Credit 4.2: Recycled Content: 20%
(post-consumer + 1/2 pre-consumer)
1 Point in addition to MR Credit 4.1
Increase demand for building products that incorporate recycled
content materials, thereby reducing the impacts
resulting from extraction and processing of virgin materials.
Use materials with recycled content such that the sum of
post-consumer recycled content plus one-half of the
pre-consumer content constitutes an additional 10% beyond MR Credit
4.1 (total of 20%, based on cost) of
the total value of the materials in the project.
The recycled content value of a material assembly shall be
determined by weight. The recycled fraction of the
assembly is then multiplied by the cost of assembly to determine the
recycled content value.
Mechanical, electrical and plumbing components and specialty items
such as elevators shall not be included
in this calculation. Only include materials permanently installed in
the project. Furniture may be included,
providing it is included consistently in MR Credits 3–7.
Recycled content shall be defined in accordance with the
International Organization of Standards document,
ISO 14021—Environmental labels and declarations—Self-declared
environmental claims (Type II environmental
Post-consumer material is defined as waste material generated by
households or by commercial, industrial and
institutional facilities in their role as end-users of the product,
which can no longer be used for its intended
Pre-consumer material is defined as material diverted from the waste
stream during the manufacturing process.
Excluded is reutilization of materials such as rework, regrind or
scrap generated in a process and capable of being
reclaimed within the same process that generated it.
Potential Technologies & Strategies
Establish a project goal for recycled content materials and identify
material suppliers that can achieve this goal.
During construction, ensure that the specified recycled content
materials are installed. Consider a range of
environmental, economic and performance attributes when selecting
products and materials. |