EQ Credit 7.2: Thermal Comfort: Verification
1 Point
Provide for the assessment of building thermal comfort over time.
Agree to implement a thermal comfort survey of building occupants
within a period of six to 18 months after
occupancy. This survey should collect anonymous responses about
thermal comfort in the building including
an assessment of overall satisfaction with thermal performance and
identification of thermal comfort-related
problems. Agree to develop a plan for corrective action if the
survey results indicate that more than 20% of occupants
are dissatisfied with thermal comfort in the building. This plan
should include measurement of relevant
environmental variables in problem areas in accordance with ASHRAE
Standard 55-2004.
Potential Technologies & Strategies
ASHRAE Standard 55-2004 provides guidance for establishing thermal
comfort criteria and the documentation
and validation of building performance to the criteria. While the
standard is not intended for purposes of
continuous monitoring and maintenance of the thermal environment,
the principles expressed in the standard
provide a basis for design of monitoring and corrective action
systems. |