Site planning criteria governs the placement of facilities. It is
Air Force policy to manage the lands, facilities, and resources
under Air Force control in a manner that provides maximum mission
effectiveness. The site planning process recognizes the importance
of conservation of resources, preservation of the quality of the
natural and human environment, cost effectiveness, personnel safety,
and functional efficiency. There are a myriad of constraints that
may exclude potential sites from development or guide site layout.
Not all of these issues are related to sustainability and may not be
addressed directly from this website. For guidance with regard to
site planning constraints please download AFI 32-1084 and other
relevant guidance from
The following rules should be applied as constraints to
sustainable site section specifically.
Do not develop on a site that is: 1. Below 5ft. above the 100 year
flood elevation as defined by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management
2. Within 100ft. of Wetlands as defined by CFR (Code of
Federal Regulations)
3. Prime farmland as defined by USDA (U.S.
Department of Agriculture)
4. Within 50ft. of a water body (lakes,
seas, rivers, etc.) Comply with Clean Water Act.
5. Habitat for any
endangered or critical species.