Local archeology, history, and people are the existing matrix into
which site design must fit. Sustainable principles seek balance
between existing cultural patterns with new development.
- Archeology - A complete archeological survey prior to
development is imperative to preserving resources. Once resources
are located, they may be incorporated into designs as an
educational or interpretive tool. If discovered during
construction activities, work should be stopped and the site
reevaluated. Sacred sites must be respected and protected.
- History - Cultural history should be reinforced through
design. Established design elements and architectural character
should be analyzed and employed to establish an architectural
theme for new development.
- Mission – The intended occupants of the site will have an
impact on the layout of the development. The organization of
buildings, parking and roads should reflect the importance and
raison d'ętre for the campus. This responds to the sustainable
principle of creating a ‘sense of place’ and elevating morale and