V = volume of rain barrel or cistern (gallons)
A2 = area of impermeable roof surface (square feet)
R = rainfall (feet)
0.90 = system loss coefficient (no units)
7.5 = conversion factor (gallons per cubic foot)
The cost of implementing a rain cistern will vary depending on:
- storage volume capacity
- materials used for construction
- construction method (i.e. above vs. below ground)
UFC 3-210-10, Low Impact Development
provides additional planning, programming and design information.
Cistern water collection and storage is a potential strategy to
achieve the intent of LEED SS Credit
6.1, SS Credit 6.2,
WE Credit 1.1,
and WE Credit 1.2.
Refer to the LEED Guidance section for
specific requirements.
1Texas Water Development Board, The. “Rainwater Harvesting,”